At the heart of the DNA is the person. The people should always be at the centre of decision-making, and central in the environment.

Key words
To develop players who enjoy the sport and can progress across the football pathway, NWSF started with the mission of the organisation, which is ‘Connecting our community through football to achieve football 365‘.
Football 365, in the context of people, means players who can play anywhere, anytime and for anyone.
To develop 365 players, we then needed to identify the common qualities of world class players, who have been able to thrive at the highest level of the game. We also considered the unique social and cultural demographics of the North West region.
This gives us our key words. This is the DNA of a great person and player.

If a player has this DNA, we believe they can become a highly effective 365 player at all levels of the game. We also believe this DNA represents the characteristics of high achieving and happy people.
These attributes are not seen as separate or discrete, but rather, as intimately connected.
Additionally, people are not expected to be ‘elite’ in all qualities. Instead, the qualities should be developed as appropriate to each individual and their progression through pathways.
Ultimately, the coming together of the DNA qualities is also what NWSF considers makes a great team.