Behaviour management

Behaviour management of players by coaches is an important part of developing resilience. It helps create clear expectations, so players can understand what is acceptable in the environment, and how they can improve both as people and players.

This topic is covered in the following DNA In Depth presentation.

As outlined in the presentation, there are many reasons why it is important for coaches to manage the behaviour of their players. Some of the most important reasons include:

  • To create a sense of belonging and tribe. When players are behaving in a positive and respectful manner that meets the expectations of the coach, it creates a more enjoyable and productive ‘environment’tribe’ for all. This can lead to more opportunities to play football, develop skills and perform as a team.
  • To keep players safe. Some player behaviors, such as bullying, hazing, or violence, can put players at risk of physical or emotional harm. Coaches have a responsibility to create a safe environment for all players and to intervene when necessary to prevent harmful behavior.
  • To teach players holistic life skills. Effective behaviour management by coaches in football helps players learn the norms of how to behave in team settings. Effective use of techniques can help players to develop important life skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.

Some of the tips for coaches include:

  • Have clear expectations. Make sure that all players know what is expected of them.
  • Be consistent. Follow through with what you ask players to do, and over-communicate these constantly.
  • Use positive framing. Focus on praising players for what is done well and explain to them ‘what good looks like’.
  • Be a role model. Players learn by watching the adults in their lives. Demonstrate the behavior that you expect from players in yourself.