Number of players: 4-a-side, no goalkeeper
Field of play: 30m long x 20m wide
Goal size: 2m wide x 1m high
Ball size: Size 3
Game duration: 20 minute halves
Half-time: 5 minutes
Other: No penalty area required

You may like to encourage the players to arrange themselves in a diamond formation as shown.
Number of players: 7-a-side, including a goalkeeper
Field of play: 40m long x 30m wide
Goal size: 3m wide x 2m high
Ball size: Size 3
Game duration: 20 minute halves
Half-time: 5 minutes
Other: 5m deep x 12m wide

The recommended playing formation for 7v7 is 2-3-1, with 2 defenders, 3 midfielders (including one winger on either side) and a striker.
For more information regarding rules and regulations of Miniroos, please visit the NWSF website