Start & organisation
- Have two gates (marked as cones) at either end of marked area
- Divide group into two teams and teams starting at either end
- Player from one team dribbles out and tries to score by dribbling through either opposition gates, defender is trying to win the ball and dribble through opposition gates
- Ball restarts with team in possession.
- Switch which team starts with the ball every 2 minutes

Timings: 20-30 minutes
Pitch area: Square
Other rules: N/A
- Encourage players to win the ball within 4 seconds
- Players keep score of how many goals they concede and see who can get the fewest
What to look for
- Is the attacker moving the ball with the inside of their foot?
- Are they keeping the ball central so they can be unpredictable and go in either direction?
- Is the defender closing the ball to delay the attacker from moving forward?
- Is the defender recognising when to try and win the ball and when to jockey the attacker?
What the coach can do
- Give cues about when and where the defender can try and win the ball
- Demonstrate (or get the players to) skill moves to beat the defender 1v1