Start & organisation
- Have poles set up as shown in setup and divide into groups evenly
- Each group will work through each progression at the same time:
- Progression A: go to pole, turn and come back
- Progression B: go around the pole and to the other side
- Progression C: place a passive defender at the pole to go around and to other side

Timings: 10-15 minutes
Pitch area: Large square
Other rules: N/A
- Encourage players to have a change in pace to accelerate away after dribbling or using skill at pole
- Introduce specific skills they can practice (e.g. stepover, Cruyff turn, Maradona spin etc)
What to look for
- Are players scanning constantly as they move the ball?
- Are players using the inside of their foot as the dominant habit?
- Are players being creative with their on the ball skills?
What the coach can do
- Challenge players with individual tasks, such as trying new skills or going faster or slower
- Demonstrate specific skills that players can practice, or get players to demonstrate for the group