Start & organisation
- Divide group into two teams and position as shown on a narrow field
- Start with two attackers vs two defenders
- If you dont’ have goals or a goalkeeper, you can modify the scoring system to be dribbling over the end line
- If a goal is scored or the ball goes out, the game continues with a new pair bringing the next ball ‘in’, with one pair staying ‘on’ and now defending
- The ‘waves’ continue as coach stops the practice

Timings: 20-45 minutes
Pitch area: Long field
Other rules: Offside rule applies
- Encourage attackers to try and beat the defender 1v1 (this will create more coaching opportunities for the first defender)
- Can progress to 3v3
What to look for
- Are the defenders moving towards the ball and closing the space for the attacker?
- Is the defender furthest away from the ball in a position where they can support the first defender?
- Can the second defender become the first defender if the latter is beaten?
What the coach can do
- Demonstrate how and where the second defender should be positioned
- Ask players questions about how close they should get to the defender