Start & organisation
- Every player starts with a ball except for one nominated ‘defender’
- On coaches call, the defender tries to tackle players with the ball
- If players lose their ball, they become a defender as well. Last player left with a ball wins the game
- Reset and start the game again

Timings: 10-15 minutes
Pitch area: Large rectangle (or square)
Other rules: Consider safety rules based on age
- Make the field bigger or smaller
- Change to pass & move, where the defender wins the ball by intercepting & the last player to touch the ball becomes a defender as well (a pair wins the game)
What to look for
- Are the defenders closing the ball and space?
- Are they trying to delay the attackers and win the ball?
What the coach can do
- Praise and encourage those who are keeping the ball, so the defenders try to win the ball
- Demonstrate ways of tackling the ball safely