Start & organisation
- Divide group into two teams and position as shown
- On coaches call, one player runs with the ball, scoring by dribbling over opposition end line
- As soon as they score, a player from the opposite team begins dribbling, looking to score in the opposite goal. The previous attacker now becomes the defender and tries to win the ball
- Ensure there is good flow so players get lots of repetition

Timings: 20-30 minutes
Pitch size: Long rectangle
Number of players: 4-16
Other rules: N/A
- Players must take a long touch at the start of their dribble
- Players score by dribbling through line goals (marked orange on diagram)
- Can progress to 2v2
What to look for
- Are players using the inside of their foot to control the ball?
- Are players scanning constantly to see where the defender is?
- Are players varying the length of their touch based on where the defender is?
What the coach can do
- Give encouragement to players on the run to drive with the ball into space
- Use constraints to limit certain players to a specific number of touches to support their individual development
Here, you’ll find an example of how the coach can intervene to set player tasks using core actions.