A six week program to support female football
Session 1
Coaching points
- Core actions (receiving the ball)
- Keep the ball central and out of tackling range, move the ball with a good first touch, receive mostly with the inside of the foot, see ball (see defender)
- 20 balls
- 4 sets of 7 bibs
- 30 cones
- 4 goals preferably 7v7 goals or 9v9 goals
1. Glue dribbling

Start & organisation
- All players inside marked area with a ball
- On coaches call, players dribble around area with a ball
- Encourage players to use both feet & different parts of feet:
- Inside of foot
- Outside of foot
- Dominant foot
- Non dominant foot
- Anything
- Glue dribble
- Encourage players to avoid opponents while dribbling (scan constantly)
- Glue dribble plus do long touches when in space
- Then do long touches change in pace
- Practice skill moves (pull back, pull and push behind foot, step over)
- Encourage players to complete their favourite skill moves
2. Half in/half out

Start & organisation
- Half of group inside marked area with a ball, other half spread evenly on outside
- Players on inside pass to outside player and receive a return pass with open body, before finding another free player
- Swap inside & outside player roles every 2 minutes
- When receiving pass from outside, must touch forward with the ball into space
- Players on outside must play passes one-touch
- After passing to a player on the outside, another player must receive
3. Medium sized game

Start & organisation
- Even numbered teams with two medium sized goals (approximately 5v5 or 7v7 size goals)
- Play with normal rules (throw-ins, offsides)
- If more than 14 players make 2 fields of 4v4 or 5v5ish
- Link in core actions from previous exercises