Managers hub / 2025
Welcome to our Spirit tribe! We are a club built on our local community to develop high quality people, and managers play a crucial role in that process.
Thanks for volunteering in 2025. We really appreciate the hard work managers do to help our people enjoy football.
We are all part of one tribe, working towards the same vision. To help us achieve this, and to enjoy every moment of the 2025 season, please use the following as a hub & resource for your role.
Managers guide
A full guide to all requirements, recommendations and expectations for managers can be found by clicking the link below.
Managers meeting
The managers meeting provides more detail around the managers role and the various requirements for the season ahead.
Recordings of the presentations can be found below.
Communication channels
Our primary communication channel for managers is WhatsApp. Please ensure you have this installed on your phone, with notifications on. Please note there is a seperate chat for JDL, and for YL, managers.
WhatsApp is also where we post club-wide news (via our channel). Please send the following link to your team for them to join the NWS Spirit FC WhatsApp channel.
This replaces TeamApp for 2025.
Please see below the timetable for 2025.
Our aim has been to develop a club-wide timetable for the entire calendar year. We hope this enables future planning for all. We have aimed to reduce (where possible) the movement of teams between training days/time slot, in the different periods of the year. Please note, however, this is always subject to change.
NWS Spirit FC is not the sole user or sole owner of Christie Park and field availability can change. It is important to note we have changes in field allocations at different times of the year which impact allocations.
If you have any questions on the timetable, please direct them via WhatsApp.
We have also been working hard to develop a club-wide calendar for the full year.
Please note these dates are subject to change. All upcoming events will be confirmed via Whatsapp.
For clarity, the compulsory events in January & February are:
- JDL/YL parent orientation on Sunday January 5th, 6pm on Zoom
- All programs return to training from Wednesday January 8th
- JDL/YL internal matches on Saturday January 11th, and trial matches each following weekend. These will be confirmed on Dribl.
- DNA Day for players & parents on Sunday 12th January, providing an introduction and insight into who we are and what we do
- The annual Jersey Presentation Day which is a special whole club event, on Saturday 1st February, at Allianz Stadium
Throughout January/February, all JDL, YL & Senior teams have friendly matches each weekend. This also includes midweek matches for Seniors, MYL & AYL.
Please also note…
- The Bathurst Cup (for M12 to M16 and A13 to A18) on the weekend of 8th & 9th February
- The Proctor Cup (for W12 to W18) on the weekend of 15th & 16th February
This year, we will be introducing ‘IDP nights‘. These are designated nights for JDL & YL coaches to complete their player interviews in a bulk process on a night seperate to training.
The intent of this is to support coaches to be able to complete these in a timely fashion, and to enhance player outcomes from these important development milestones.
These are…
- JDL: Monday 17th & Friday 21st February
- Youth League: Tuesday 18th February
Finally, note that dates for the Football NSW competitions can be found on the calendar itself.
Preseason trials
As a guide, please click below to see the scheduled trial matches for January & February.
This is intended as a guide for coaches & managers only and should not be shared directly with parents & players. Instead, they should be directed to view Dribl, as this will contain the most up-to-date information regarding trials.
The full competition season draw will be available via the FNSW website.
Player allocations
JDL game leading allocations for YL 13-16s players during the pre-season trial period can be viewed by clicking the link below.
Team and player allocations for…
- JDL game leading (YL 13-16s players)
- Mascot duty at First Grade matches (JDL players)
- Ball kid duty at First Grade matches (YL 13-16s players)
- Gate duty at First Grade matches (YL 18s players)
have now been confirmed.
Additional information
An information pack has been provided to players & parents. You can click below to read what was provided to them in October.
Further information packs will be sent in late December.

We are Spirit FC. For our badge.